Thursday, July 26, 2007

In light of current madness I offer this solution

They have lost there mind...

Read this and be amazed...

This is complete __madness__. Fork the kernel? Why? Can you not write a .config file? Can you not simply remove the stuff you do not need and recompile?
Maybe someone should make desktop specific builds of the kernel with desktop specific patches and such...
CK did this. Someone else just needs to pick up his branch of patches. You should not fork the kernel. You should get in and Patch it upstream and allow us to build what we need for our local machines. If you can't build your own kernel then use a distro that is desktop specific...
You people are crazy thinking about Forking the kernel. We would lose with developers splitting off and working on one side or another. United we stand.
However Linux is open source GPL so you download the code and start hacking. When you get your desktop kernel you submit the patches like any other good little hacker...